Thursday, September 27, 2007


The nursery is on it's way! The painting is done and the carpet was professionally cleaned yesterday. My three nursery furniture items I recently ordered online have all shipped: the crib, the changing table/dresser, and glider. We received the glider yesterday. Once Mitch puts all those things together, I'll take a picture of the room with the furniture in it! I have no amazing insights today except that Leo graciously decided to help me get an idea of what it will be like to be kept up all night by the baby. He meowed, jumped up on stuff he wasn't supposed to, and banged on doors most of the night last night. Actually I think he was getting me back for having him locked up in our room while the carpet cleaners cleaned the living room yesterday.


Margaret said...

Poor Leo, he just wants to help get ready for the baby. I'm glad the nursery is coming together. Getting the furniture will be cool. Madelyn's blanket is almost half done. I think I'll have it ready before she gets here.

Stephanie said...

A glider is a great idea. It's really the only thing that I've wished I've had. We've used our changing table a lot, but I know different people have different opinions on them. When he was an infant, though, we used it every time we changed him. Now half the time I change him on the floor, because he's moving so much I am afraid he's going to crawl off the changing table. But a glider - you'll be really glad you have it.

Are you going to nurse?